Parts Therapy works with a principle that we are all very familiar with - that is, that part of us can want to do one thing, and another part wants to do something different. What we are identifying here is 'inner conflict'. Parts therapy is based on the concept that our personality is composed of a number of various parts. On a day-to-day basis, we may not be aware of these, but in certain situations they may be more apparent. Maybe the child part that comes out in cheeky sense of humour, or the strong part of us that emerges, seemingly out of nowhere, in a crisis or energency.
A conflict between parts can cause problems that we might easily identify: the smoker who wants to stop but seems drawn to another cigarette; the person who desperately wants to lose weight but is drawn to another biscuit or cream cake. If we can identify the part causing the issue, we can have a better chance of resolving the problem.
I will often use some form of Parts Therapy with clients, either as part of a programme of work or in its own right. It is an effective way of resolving all types of inner conflict. Parts Therapy can be delivered in a waking state or under hypnosis, depending on the issue and client preferences.
I generally use a particular form of parts therapy, developed by leading UK therapist Terence Watts, called Warriors, Settlers & Nomads (WSN). Humans, unlike any other animal, have the ability to override their true nature by what they learn. These are the ways that we are taught we 'should' behave. Sometimes there is no real trauma or negative experience in the past to cause discomfort, yet a person can feel that something is just not right. This is where Warriors, Settlers & Nomads can prove very effective.
WSN identifies three different parts of the self called, as you might expect, the Warrior, the Settler and the Nomad. A full explanation of these and the principles behind the therapy will be given during your sessions, but for now it is enough to understand that all of us inherit these personality types from our ancestors, over many years and generations, in different combinations. Just as the gene for red hair can skip generations, so can these attributes, so a child may find themselves as a type very different to their parents.
The Warrior needs to be in control and has drive, the ability and desire to manipulate others, speed of thought and the desire to take charge. The Settler is adaptable and able to solve problems, tactful, diplomatic and an effective communicator. The Nomad is an individual who needs change, drama and excitement. They enjoy feelings of importance and like to be the centre of attention.
To think of it another way, imagine there are three types of people - red, blue and yellow. These colours mix, just like primary colours, to produce all sorts of combinations. Imagine, then, if you were a red child, but brought up by blue parents? They would genuinely do their best, teaching you what they knew as blue people. It's just that it's not necessarily the best way for you!
WSN can be delivered as part of a course of therapy that includes other approaches, or as a standalone treatment. You will be receive a full personality profiling using the WSN method and learn to identify the Warrior, the Settler and the Nomad parts of yourself. Armed with this information, you will then be able to identify personal strengths or work to develop any under-developed parts if necessary. Often, just this realisation can lead to powerful transformation and insight.