I will occasionally publish links here to articles in the media relating to issues that I can potentially help with. These links open in an external browser tab. The views reflected in the articles are not necessarily my own and are simply intended to give people a wider, unbiased view of various issues.
Workplace wellness programs can help people lose weight, a new study finds. The two-year research study found that special workplace programs can reduce the number of obese people by 9%.
Are you chronically tired for no reason? Do you feel rundown and overwhelmed? It could be adrenal fatigue.
An individual with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is overcome with an urge to engage in unproductive habits, such as excessive hand washing or lock checking.
3 Reasons to try hypnotherapy - there are many more!
The NHS estimated that as many as 250,000 people in the UK are addicted to gambling, spending a combined total of £7 billion every year, but Only 5% of gambling addicts actually seek help for their problems.
Hypnotherapy Directory were good enough to publish my recent article on New Year's resolutions. You can read the full article here